Indoor worship is now allowed with restrictions. Please use the following guidelines if you plan to attend. Livestream of service will continue for those who are sick or do not feel comfortable attending at this time.
-Please do not come to the church if you are sick!!
-We ask for all to wear a mask and social distance from those not in your family unit.
-We will have the seating arranged for social distancing
-Our singing will be limited
-We will not be taking up an offering, but will have an offering box available for your offerings
-Please be considerate for one another by social distancing both before and after the service.
-Please feel free to invite guests to come and join together with us in worshiping our Lord.
Please check the Calendar page to see if we will be holding in person (outdoor) or online only worship service. The calendar will be updated through the week up to Sunday morning if conditions change. If weather allows we will meet at Harvest Christian School at 11:00am. If an online only service is scheduled the YouTube and Facebook links will go live at 8:00am Sunday morning. Sonoma County remains in the purple tier which does not allow indoor worship.
Update. December 12, 2020
Due to weather condition's tomorrow's worship service (12/13/2020) will be online only. The links to view will go live around 8:00am Sunday morning.
Update. October 4, 2020
air quality cleared up. Worship will be held outdoors at Harvest Christian School.
Update. October 2, 2020
The air quality has been very poor this week due to fires and heat. If this continues into the weekend it may be necessary to postpone this Sunday's outdoor worship service (October 4). Please check back Sunday morning for the latest status.
Update. August 22, 2020
Due to air quality and weather condition's tomorrow's worship service (8/23/2020) will be online only.
Update. August 1, 2020
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. -
Isaiah 55:8-9
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. - Romans 8:28-29
It is in light of this truth of God's sovereignty that we want to let you know about the next "change". It is a real blessing for our church to meet face to face for public worship (something most churches in our community are not doing). We are grateful to Harvest Christian School (HCS) for allowing us to meet there. However, there is a change for this week only (DV). Just a few hours ago this morning we were told that Labcon, the company who owns the building and leases part of it to HCS, is going to be doing some construction/repair work on the building this weekend and therefore we will not have access to the facility for tomorrow's worship service.
So, for tomorrow only, August 2nd, we will not be meeting face to face, but will once again conduct a worship service online.
Please keep SGCC and our future in prayer. We have been greatly blessed by the Lord in worship and ministry. We are a resilient people because we serve a gracious and sovereign Lord Who enables us to face whatever lies ahead with strength and joy.
We will certainly miss seeing you face to face tomorrow. We know that the online worship service is not the same. Please keep this service in your prayers. We are also grateful for those who serve the Lord by the ministry they provide. Please continue to keep our church and its growth in prayer.
Remember, this is not a setback but a new occasion to trust in the ways of the Lord and to trust Him for His love, power and wisdom.
Looking forward to seeing you one week from tomorrow (DV).
Update. July 25, 2020
Because of the most recent changes in our state covid regulations, we are not allowed to meet indoors for worship. However, we will be able to meet outdoors!
So for tomorrow, July 26th, we will be meeting for worship on the playground of Harvest Christian School at 10 AM.
(Access will be through the gate to the right of the front office door)
Update. July 18, 2020
By state order indoor worship is currently not allowed. Therefore tomorrow's service (Juiy 19) will be an online stream only. We hope to meet the following Sunday in an outdoor location.
Update. May 2, 2020
Video update posted in
Audio/Video section of website.
Update. Good Friday, April 10th, 2020
As we experience this precious weekend in the life of our faith and Church, a time when we exalt Christ for Who He is and what He has done by His atoning sacrifice for us on the cross, we certainly understand this is not how we ever thought it would be. But God has His ways through which He will receive praise and honor. We have seen countless ways in which His people are responding to the needs of others in Christ-honoring ways. We also have an increased value for the relationships we have with each other as the Body of Christ and are looking forward to that day soon when we can meet again for worship and fellowship.
Nothing has changed at this point. We will continue to "meet" for Sunday worship via livestream as well as continue to keep each other supported in prayer. There may be a change sometime around the first of May and we will let you know when these changes will happen for SGCC.
Today, on Good Friday there are several churches doing live stream Good Friday services, including Grace Community Church this evening at 7:30 pm. You can watch this service live at:
Our Lord continues to provide for the ministry through the faithful giving of His people and the online giving is working very well.
Please take time today to think upon and reflect on the amazing love and grace extended to us through our Lord's atoning sacrifice. May He also be the place of our hope, security and love!
I found this quote by Charles Spurgeon which I think certainly applies to us in our situation:
"Cheer up, mates, all will come right in the end. The darkest night will turn to a fair morning in due time. Only let us trust in God, and keep our heads above the waves of fear. When our hearts are right With God everything is right. Let us look for the silver which lines every cloud, and when we do not see it let us believe that it is there. We are all at school, and our great Teacher writes many a bright lesson on the black-board of affliction."
Update Saturday, March 28th , 2020
We remain in a "shelter in place" mode as per instructions for the entire state. It is now our understanding that this may stay in place for most of the month of April. However, we are finding ways to both keep connected and to provide for spiritual encouragement and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Here are the updates for SGCC:
-We will continue to suspend our Wednesday night Bible Study for the month of April, unless the "shelter in place" is lifted
-We will not meet for Palm Sunday
-We will cancel our annual Seder Dinner for this year
-We will begin to post and make available a "modified" worship service on line. These service will be posted on this web site and will begin tomorrow morning (3/29/2020). We ask that you pray for this ministry support and outreach.
Please pray for those who have been affected by the virus, the medical workers who are on the front lines and for our state and country's leaders that they would be wise in their decisions.
-Pray that the Lord would use this as an opportunity to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ
Don't forget the several opportunities for worship and bible study listed under the 3/21 update
Also, don't forget you can give your tithes and offerings to SGCC online now (
check the "give" tab or click here.) We have been blessed by faithfulness of the Lord through the generous giving of His people
Update Saturday, March 21st , 2020
We are still in a "shelter in place" mode. As we approach Sunday, we want to remind you of several opportunities for worship and bible study:
-We will have Pastor Kevin's sermon uploaded on this website (under the audio/video tab) tomorrow by 9 am. Pastor Kevin's message is " A Practical Prayer for Godly Growth" taken from
Philippians 1:9-11.
-There are also numerous worship services available online. Here are some we recommend:
-For Bible study, all of the Ligonier teaching materials are free. You can find them at:
-There are live streaming church services at:
-Grace Community Church, Sun Valley CA ( at 10:30 am
-NorthCreek Church, Walnut Creek, CA ( at 10:00 am
-Grace Church, Pleasant Hill, CA ( at 9:00 am
-Immanuel Baptist Church, Sacramento ( at 11:00 am
Also, don't forget you can give your tithes and offerings to SGCC online now (
check the "give" tab or click here.)
We are continuing to keep the members and friends of SGCC in prayer. Please pray for the spiritual life and vitality of our church during this time and that through all of this, the Lord Jesus Christ would be given all honor and praise!
Update Friday, March 20th, 2020
We are still under the "shelter in place" mandate requested by the state of California so there is no change in our meeting schedule. But here are a couple of updates:
-We will be uploading a brief worship and sermon live stream which will be available on Sunday, March 22. It will be located on the audio/visual tab on our webpage and also on our “Sovereign Grace Community Church” Facebook page. You can watch it any time after 9am on Sunday.
-There may be a need for volunteers to do errands for Valley Orchards. Please send Pastor Kevin an email if you would be willing to help. Pastor Kevin spoke with Valley Orchards today and there is currently no need for help, but just in case something comes up, they were glad to have us as a resource.
-We now have a giving tab on our website. You may use a credit card, ATM card, or an electronic check to give your tithes and offerings. You can also mail in your check to our church at: SGCC, 1310 Commerce Street, Suite B, Petaluma CA 94954. Thank you for your continued faithfulness during this time.
-Please feel free to contact Pastor Kevin by email ( with any prayer concerns. Please indicate if you would like just the Elders to pray or if it is a concern for all the SGCC “family”.
-Remember, Pastor Kevin and the Elders are praying for you and for the spiritual wellbeing of our church!
Update Wednesday, March 18th, 2020
Governor Newsom and the County’s public health officer have ordered residents to stay at home, (shelter in place") and limit all but essential business and government operations for three weeks, a mandatory directive that goes into effect at midnight (12:00 am) Wednesday and is aimed squarely at the growing threat of coronavirus to the community. The shelter-in-place order will remain in effect until April 7.
In light of this and after prayer consideration, the Elders of SGCC voted on Tuesday to honor the mandate by the following schedule:
-There will be
NO Bible Study from Wednesday, March 18
th to April 8
-We will
NOT be meeting for worship at Valley Orchards from Sunday March 22
nd until Easter Sunday, April 12
Instead we will be working on putting together a “livestream” video for Sunday. We will give you more details as we get it in place (either here on the website, on youtube or on our facebook page).
We also encourage you to continue to give your tithes and offerings during this time. It is important because we still have ministry operational costs, pastor’s salary and monthly financial obligations to take care of. We have online giving link on our webpage or you can mail it in to our church office (1310 Commerce Street, Suite B, Petaluma CA 94954).
We will be reviewing this schedule from day to day and will act accordingly and adjust our schedule for the next few week(s). All new information will be posted here online. Please feel free to call, text or email Pastor Kevin or the Elders if you have any concerns or problems that we can assist.
We prayerfully made this decision for the following reasons:
-For the safety and well-being of the members and regular attenders of SGCC
-For the sake of the residents and staff of Valley Orchards
-To be in compliance with the governing authorities (
Romans 13:1-3). We do not believe they are asking us to do something that would result in a compromise of our faith and witness in Jesus Christ
-To be a witness and testimony to our community. Many other people have been adversely effected by the mandates to “flatten the curve” of this coronavirus, by a dramatic change in their schedules. To say “they must follow the mandate but we won’t”, doesn’t set a good example.
-To remember we are in the world but not of the world and we can find ways to minister and promote the gospel of Jesus Christ in this time of crisis
We ask that you would help honor this commitment abide by the health guidelines and pray for the welfare of all. Also our great desire is that in this time the Lord would be honored – by His grace and for His glory.
Thank you,
SGCC Board of Elders
Sunday, March 15th 2020
In light of the current situation as it pertains to the presence and effects of the COVID-19 (the Coronavirus), the SGCC Elders want to keep you informed of our response in these coming days. You can keep up to date by going to our website:
The following are some current general guidelines for our church:
- At this point we will still continue with our regular Sunday morning and Wednesday Bible Study church schedule. We have been in contact with Valley Orchards and they have given us permission to continue as usual. If anything should change, we will post it on our web site. Please be sure to check there for the latest information.
- If you are uncomfortable attending services because of the virus threat, we understand. We do ask that you would let us know so we can keep you informed of any new developments.
- We ask that if you are sick or have flu-like symptoms, that you would remain at home for the duration. Again, please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
- Please follow the recommended hygiene guidelines. We have wipes and hand sanitizers available on the back table.
- Please be considerate of others here at church and for the time, limit contact (hugs and handshakes).
- Please follow the daily health guidelines. This is wise and godly stewardship of all that God has entrusted to us.
- Continue to pray for this situation and seek opportunities to speak of the care, love and sovereignty of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many people are genuinely concerned about the virus and its effects and we have the hope in Christ.
If anything should change, we will keep you informed through our website. If you have any concerns or questions, we would be happy to speak with you.